DOMINO (Cyprus)

  • Domino rules

    This version of domino is especially made to help students consolidate the parts of speech of a certain language. In the English language all words are divided in 8 categories (parts of speech) that are the following:


    We chose the 7 of the 8 categories to create the Domino-like game, leaving out only the last one: interjections. This is mostly because the traditional Domino game uses 7 numbers (0-6) and 49 (7x7) combinations that give 49 cards. In the classroom setup we divide students in groups. Each group acts as one player. 2-4 players are allowed to play in this game.

    The rules are the same as of the traditional Domino game:

    Starting the game

    Place all cards face-down on the table and mix them up. Each player selects 7 cards. Keep your cards in front of you but hidden from your opponents. The players decide who’s going to play first, second, third, etc. by throwing a lot. The first player-group chooses one of their 7 cards and puts it on the white board or on a desk.

    After the first round, the player who won the previous round starts first.

    Playing the Game



    The next player-group must then place a matching domino card next to the first domino card. For example, if the first player started the game using the following card:


    Then the next player must play a domino card that has either the word pronoun or a verb on it. Two cards that can match this first card are the following (but of course not the only ones):




    on the left





    on the right  


    The players only place cards on the two edge points of the series of cards that has been formed on the board.

    If the next player however doesn’t have a matching Domino card, they must pick one from the cards on the table with face down. If the new card does not much, as well, the player must pass their turn onto the next player.

    The game ends when the first player finishes all the cards that they possess.