• Chinese portrait

    Step 1

    Write your Chinese portrait

    So what would you be? Just post your answers! The principle: it's a set of questions which you answer for yourself. But the answer must be spontanious! If I were a color, I would be...... If I were a fruit I would be ..... If I were a season, I would be .... If I were an animal, I would be .... If I were an insect, I would be .... If I were a country, I wouold be ... If I were a town, I would be ... If I were a natural phenomenon, I would be.... If I were a month, I would be ... If I were a place, I would be ... If I were a job, I would be ... If I were a word, I would be .... If I were a transport, I would be ....

    Step 2

    Depending on what you have written in the forum hold a clue to be taken a picture with your classmates

    Step 3

    Look at the pictures and the posts in the forum and try to identify your peers


    Timetable of the three steps

    Step 1

     Until 13th October

    Step 2

    Until  25th October

    Step 3

    Until  10th November



    Snapshots of the activity 1