Tips and Worksheets



    In this page you load your tips and worksheets so as your partners to find activities and ideas for their students.


    Where in the World is your Food From? (Food Mapping!)

    It seems that in our busy life of fast food and convenience, many people have become so disconnected from their food, they don’t know where their food actually comes from (or what it is made of!). This food mapping activity helps kids understand more about our food system.Today we’re mapping our fruits and vegetables: with a little research in the supermarket, the kids are discovering where our food was grown and how long it traveled to get hereI had the kids try to find the countries of origin of all of the fruits and vegetables we had recordedWe also talked about how fruits and vegetables are freshest right when they are picked. Traveling long distances, they lose nutrients and flavor. It was a great food mapping activity, that combined geography, with some science and nutrition thrown in

    You can find the answers in my file (Zielona Góra)






    Each color in produce boasts specific nutrients related to that color.  For example

    Red=beets, bell peppers, red apples, cherries, tomatoes, strawberries etc.  Strong in the phytonutrient lycopene and Anthocyanin, vitamins A and C. Known for controlling high blood pressure, reducing risk of cancer, and reducing risk of Alzheimers.

    Dark Green/Green=Kale, Spinach, leafy greens, broccoli, Honeydew, peas, kiwi.  Strong in Lutein and Indoles also fiber, potassium, folic acid and some B vitamins. Known for maintaining good vision, reducing risk of tumor growth in cancer patients.

    Yellow/orange=Carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apricots, oranges, grapefuruit, pears, pineapple.  Known for being high in Beta-carotene and bioflavonoids, fiber and vitamin A.  Benefits are boosts immunity, reduce heart attack risk, maintain strong bones and teeth, better skin.