Here are the differents steps of the project with some information :
- JANUARY-FEBRUARY: 1) Pupils introduce themselves on a padlet.
(Meanwhile children start to investigate about what they want to show of their town:
main monuments, food, activities and sports, products to buy)
2) Teachers introduce themselves on a padlet.
3) All countries introduce themselves on the same Page ( a padlet for Italy, one for Turkey and so on).Each padlet contains information about places to visit, food, typical products of the country.
4) All the countries can upload photos, videos and memories of the school trips in their country on the same padlet.
5) We will create our collaborative book: three pages for each school.
- MARCH: 1)short dialogues on the chosen topics/ children prepare presentation of the place they live in. ( written in Mother language and in English). They write three/four short dialogues in the mother language and in English about the main attractions of their town ( a child is a tour guide and other children are the tourists) .
- 2) Towns presentations on the same padlet ( short description and information). The page has got three subpages: Places to visit - Food and typical products - Cultural heritage of our towns
1)Each child learns by heart one/ two sentences of the dialogue.
Then the class acts the dialogue out. Videos of the dialogues are uploaded on the interactive map of Europe.
2) Pupils prepare a game about the town presentations with “learningapps” to bring other pupils to visit attentively the TS and to make them aware that they are learning about other countries and understanding a foreign language
- Pupils post the games created with "Learningapps"
- Project evaluation
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