Earth, planets...sphere ... and Art !


    Book titled 'THE UNIVERSETHROUGH MY EYES'Read this free book made on StoryJumper!function(){function d(){"undefined"==typeof SJMakeBookOpenLightBox?--c>0&&setTimeout(d,100):SJMakeBookOpenLightBox()}function e(){/in/.test(document.readyState)?setTimeout(e,9):d()}var a="https:"==document.location.protocol?"https:":"http:";if("undefined"==typeof SJScriptLoaded){window.SJScriptLoaded=!0;var b=document.createElement("script"),c=10;b.src=a+"//",document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b),e()}}();

    All along the scolar year, my pupils discover Art. I use Art to let them explain what they are filling but to entertain them to write correctly (spelling, dictée).


    - Several circles , Vasarelly Kandinsky


    - Arnaldo Pomodo

     Paintings  from France :

    Earth :


    Our solar system :

    - Cosmos :

    - Universe and BIG GANG :

    -  First Galaxies :