Needs and wishes

  • Things we have, things we need, things we wish for... Most of us have many, many things - even more than we really need. So, let's reflect what things we REALLY need.

    Aim of this activity

    The aim is to make your students reflect on their personal lives, their habits and to make them compare them with others - possibly their eTwinning partners. Building on similarities and differences that may exist in different lifestyles, topics like wealth and poverty can be explored and the concept of equality can be introduced to the students.

    The rich topic also offers a lot to talk about, so making your students talk to each other and finding out more about personal needs and wishes is definitely an interesting approach to address topics as values, society, solidarity, sustainability and consumer behaviour.


    In the Padlet below , we invite you to answer the question yourselves by posting three things that you consider very important and that you would need to have around, and three other things you could not live without. Please also briefly explain why.


    To pin a post in the Padlet, just double click on an empty spot or use the pink button on the lower right corner of the cardboard. Once a post is open, enter your name on top and insert your text (picture, link, audio file...) below.


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