Activity- asking questions about partner schools


    1st photo- We would like to know what age are you? We´re between 12-13.

    Did you take a picture in your school yard? YES!

    What kind of plants grow in your yard and do you take care of them or your school gardener?

    The gardener cuts the grass and we take care of the flowers in the lessons.


    2nd photo- There is a text about a lake on the bord behind you.

    Can you tell us more about that lake? Is there some magic? There are kinds of fishes that can survive winter. On the board you can read about the lake and what lives in there.



    3rd photo- What is the name of that church?

    How old is it and is it near your school?This is St.Nicolas Church in Church street in Merklín, just opposite the school (we´ve got 2 buildings of our school)


    4th photo- Please name the types of flowers we see in the photo.

    Did you plant them? YES! They are very common rock flovers - for ex. Phlox subulata (with different colours)