Weather report- Croatia

  • Weather report from Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia

    September 14, 2017.

    It is Thursday. The weather is dry today. It´s cloudy in the morning but it's not raining.  It is still warm and sunny enough for sunglasses and shirt with short sleeves. 


    8.00 am      12°C

    13.30 pm             24°C


     October 12 , 2017.

    This Thursday it was foggy in the morning, but after ten o'clock the sun came. The rest of the day was sunny and warm so we could walk in the afternoon, ride a bicycle and enjoy the sun.


    8.00  am      6 °C

    13.30 pm             23 °C


    November 16, 2017.

    The weather forecast for today is- fresh morning, foggy, moist and cloudy in the morning. Sunny throughout the day. Nice autumn day!


    8.00 am         4 °C

    13.30 pm      6 °C


    December 14, 2017.

    It is cold outside but still no snow. Cold mornings and cold, windy days. 

    8.00 am         3 °C

    13.30 pm      12 °C


    January 15, 2018.

    Snow. Cold. Ice. Frost.

    8.00 am         -1°C

    13.30 pm        2 °C

    February 8, 2018.

    There is a lot of snow in Zlatar Bistrica. We need to be careful on streets and sidewalks when we go to school. 

    8.00 am        0°C

    13.30 pm        3 °C

    March 8, 2018.

    We have a mix of rain, sun, wind and clouds. Changeable spring weather.

    8.00 am         1°C

    13.30 pm        10 °C

    April 12, 2018.

    It is warmer outside and we can play on playgrounds, play football, take a walk or ride bikes. It is pleasant in the sun.

    8.00 am         7°C

    13.30 pm       17 °C

    May 10, 2018.

    It is sunny, with a little bit of the wind, some clouds are in the sky, warm and nice outside. 

    8.00 am         11 °C

    13.30 pm        28 °C