This year we wanted to tell our students about the European Union celebrating The Day of Europe on the 9th of May.
For this, our Economy teacher, Loles Casado got in touch with the office of Europe Direct in Córdoba.
They gave us lots of resources and agreed on a lecture our students will attend at our school so they knew more about the European institutions and the context where our prospective Erasmus + project will hopefully develop.
First, students worked in class about the main ideas we celebrate on the 9th of May. Then, we displayed a board in the school entrance hall showing the key concepts around the European Union. Finally, we attended a lecture from a representative of Europe Direct office where we were told about the ideals of a Common Europe, we shared games and quizzes and we even got some presents. You can watch some pictures of this event below.
This activity has been very useful to set into context the eTwinning project we are just starting with our Czech school partner and the Erasmus+ application, presently under an assessment process.