Working Process

  • Schools will invite pupils and their families to participate in various activities referring to a healthy lifestyle (food, sports). Every activity, each event may be presented in a form of movies, photos, recipes etc. Thus pupils and their families will learn good practices in other countries and be encouraged to live in a more healthy style, eat properly, do more sports etc. It may concern growing own food, herbs, doing meals, serving it all to others, following the idea of a “slow life”. Kids will learn also about special diets to understand the idea of social inclusion for people with diabetes, allergy etc.


    Working process

    We will give a series of dates for all partners to work by.

    First, schools, pupils with their families and teachers will present themselves to each other. We may start with the favorite leisure time activities, favorite food and the best national recipes.

    The project will last from the middle of April till the autumn, late October, which gives the possibility for expanding the project time for activities such as growing vegetables, making preparations of fruit etc.

    It's suggested to prepare some activity at least twice a month.