Reading Hana´s suitcase

  • Our new video made by pupils 5.A Lanskroun

    Students found some words for Hana´s name:


    A - ARMÁDA (army)

    N - NAROZENINY PROŽILA V DEPORTAČNÍM CENTRU (she spent her birthday in deportation center)

    A - AKTIVNÍ V DĚTSTVÍ (active in childhood)


    B - BRATR JIŘÍ (brother Jiří)

    R - RODIČE JÍ ZEMŘELI (her parents died)

    A - JÍ ODVEZLI DO TEREZÍNA (and she had to go to Terezín)

    D - DEPORTACE (deportation)

    Y - YŠIOKA OŽIVILA JEJÍ PŘÍBĚH (Yšioka found her story)


    H - HRŮZU PŘOŽILA (she lived through terror)

    A - ADOLF HITLER JÍ VZAL VŠE (Adolf Hitler took up her everything)

    N - NOVÉ MĚSTO NA MORAVĚ (she lived there)

    A - AKTIVNÍ V DĚTSTVÍ (active in childhood)


    B - BÁLA SE O BRATRA (she was worried about her brother)

    R - RODIČE JÍ ZEMŘELI (her parents died)

    A - JÍ ODVEZLI DO TEREZÍNA (and she had to go to Terezín)

    D - DEPORTACE (deportation)



    What would you pack to your suitcase?

    (Hana and her brother had to go to Terezin and packed their suitcases)


    Here's the Polish students word cloud:

    And the video with some questions to check the understanding: