• Discover our first eTwinning project within this four schools` partnership called "FOUR-HEADED DRAGON"!

    An inspiration for the dragon topic was the Polish legend of “Wawel Dragon”, used while an Erasmus + training event for educational and cultural purposes as well as for job shadowing session.


    The project concept is built on the use of four national legends or school stories about the dragon discovered or created by children for the project purpose. Project aims are strongly connected with developing literacy and democracy in classrooms. Project based learning and Reggio Emilia are the basis of teaching and learning approach within this project. The main methods for its` activities are ”Key to Learning. Literacy” and multisensual way of discovering the world – as they were highly welcomed to discover more after the training in Poland.

    During project activities we want our children to encourage creativity, exploring and arousing initiative in the learning process. Discovering the world through various channels – in a multisensual way, on the basis of environmental and social context, in contact with nature and technology, but also within the inspiration of literature is our permanent idea for eTwinning projects.