
  • Romania lies in the north hemisphere,  at the intersection of the  46º 00' N latitude and 25º 00' E longitude. It is a state situated in the South-Eastern part of Central Europe, on the lower course of the Danube river, north of the Balkan Peninsula  and bordering on the NV coast of the Black Sea.The Danibe Delta lies almost completele on its territory as well as  the South and Central part of the Carpathians. Romania borders on Bulgaria in the South, on Serbia in the South-Vest, on Hungary in the North-West, on the Ukraine in the North and East, and on the Republic of Moldavia in the East, while the Black sea coast lies to the South-East. The capital is Bucharest.

    Képtalálat a következőre: „romania in europa harta”The territory of Romania is also called the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region, as Romania alligns with a European territorial system,  which follows the circular shape of the Carpathians and the neighbouring regions imposed and complementarily subordinated to the Carpathians. The Danube provides a natural border to the South while the Black Sea does so to the East.