Our project at a glance

  • The students directly involved in the project are between 8 and 18 years old.

    The project coordinator is Tsar Simeon Veliki Secondary school from Bulgaria.

    Partners in this Strategic partnership are:

    Istituto Comprensivo Melvin Jones Orazio Comes, Primary/Secondary school

    Szkola Podstawowa im. St. Mikolajczyka w Jaszkowej Dolnej, Primary school

    Scoala Gimnaziala Pietroasa, Secondary school

    CEIP LUIS CERNUDA, Primary school

    Darica Namik Kemal Ilkokulu


       In 2015 the Declaration from Paris is promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education. Schools need to adapt and develop new ways of teaching and learning that reflect a changing world.The project goal is to improve 'classical' education to 'inclusive' education by teaching European values, The Human Rights, and enhanced ICT and digital skills.

    Our project objectives are:

    1. Share and develop European good practices and tools how to change 'classical' education to 'inclusive' education.

    2. Enhance students understanding of European values - freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination, through education.

    3. To help for integration of migrant and
    refugee students.

    4. Enhance students' and teachers' ICT and digital skills .

    The topic have been examine in different aspects and implemented in school subjects. Target groups were not only students from disadvantaged groups(migrants, minorities and refugees). The Inclusion is a two-way process,where the participants are local students and with migrants. Partners also started an eTwinning project. Teachers developed students' sense of European identity , based on common values, history and culture. ICT and digital skills were a tool.

    Few types of prject activities:

    1. Activities to create the project outputs - comic strip about the story of a 3 families and their trip from the war to the EU ('The Journey to The Twelve Stars'). - brochure in English and all project languages - The project at a glance. - photo competition 'I have the Right to Have а Friend' - movie 'Our Europe,Our Future' to promote the idea that if somebody wants to move to live in Europe he have to integrate in European society. - Eight Eurogames (4 table games and 10 online games) to make students more familiar with EU values, institutions and rules

    2. Activities to present and promote the project outcomes and to celebrate The Day of Europe.

    3. Training activities for teachers.

    4. Exchanges of students.

    5. Activities for evaluation and dissemination of the project and its outcomes.

    For communication, collaboration and dissemination we worked on eTwinning platform, EU Dissemination platform, social medias- Facebook, e-quizzes, surveys with GoogleForm, live meetings, e-mails, online discussions, Padlet, QR code, Doodle, Tricider, PollEveryWhere, PowToon, Pixton etc. Our 4 transnational management meetings - planning meeting at the beginning, at the end of first school year, at the beginning and at the end of second project year.Qualitative results are: The teachers and the students raised there awareness and sense for European identity, Better integration of students from disadvantaged groups, Improved teaching competences from teachers, increased students motivation to be active citizens, increased students and teachers competences in foreign languages, enhanced ICT and digital skills from students and from teachers, more positive attitude towards the European project and the EU values, increased motivation and satisfaction in their daily work. The project have impact on local, regional, national and transnational
    level. The publicity of project with such important goals and objectives, have positive effect for the participating organizations' reputation. Stakeholders use the project outputs.
    Dissemination and exploitation of results are important part of our project. We had dissemination activities at all stages of the project - before project, during the project and after the project end. Online dissemination -social networks and sites, press and medias, meetings with Youth workers, decision-makers, and NGOs working with migrants. Our project have impact on students and teachers not only in our schools. Our project have long term benefits. The project outputs and results will be used after the project lifetime. We will send them to the Educational center in Turkey and to the National agency about refugees in Bulgaria.