Hello dear friends, thank you for the collaboration. I hope to find interesting this page! All the best Theodora Chandrinou.
We presented activities and the videos created by the participating Schools.
Also, Art Exhibitions and activities presented in the 1st primary School of Pefki, Athens, Greece.
and in the 4th primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece.
With my pupils I worked on Health prevention, through the national Greek project:
"Healthy Mediterranean diet"- follow the link to see more:
Μεσογειακή υγιεινή διατροφή – Καινοτόμο πρόγραμμα Αγωγής Υγείας
Really, through our project we shared Cultural Heritage!
Partners were invited to join celebrations in the end of the School year.
Theodora Chandrinou created the eTwinning event:
Sharing best memories
- Registeredhttps://live.etwinning.net/events/event/55408
During the School year 2018-2019 our project became an educational tool. Through the eTwinning project "Promotion of healthy Lifestyles during education" and the pupils from the 20th primary Schoo, of Aigaleo, Athens, Greece with me, the Art Teacher Theodora Chandrinou, we shared our games!!
* The pupils from the 1st primary School of Pefki, Athens, Greece received awards for their participation in the “40th children’s festival with the title” The world through the eyes of the children, organized by the Municipality of Pefki –Lykovrisi, Greece.
*In the 4th primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece, the pupils received awards for their successful participation in the School Handball championship.They received their medallions, in a public ceremony Teacher of Physical Education:Dimitrios Tsitos.