“The real, the true freedom is not given trough wars or rebellions, it’s created by the almighty fire of the mind”
(Szacsvay Imre)
The central building of our school

The other buildings of our school

The school's logo

Website: www.scoala-szacsvay-iskola.ro
The beginning of our school history
The “Big” School – the main building
The building on str. “Szaniszló” (today “Eminescu”) was built in 1900 as the House of Refugees “Szent Laszló” for the boys and the beggars. The caring institution for beggars functioned since 1842 in Oradea. Bishop Winkler József offered in 1886 10000 crowns for the foundation of a refugee house for the boys, under the guardianship of the Vincent sisters. After only a year the institution started it’s activities in a one level house (existing until today) on Uri str (today Ciorogariu) corner with str. Szentpéter (today Iorga). As, later on, this house didn’t have enough space, in April 1900, on the “Szent Laszló” Association meeting, was determined to buy the property from the corner of Szaniszló str. (according today’s accounting, from nr 28) with the purpose of constructing a two level building, project made by Sztarill Ferenc. In the same year the construction was finished, the press of those days wrote as being so impressive that it would’ve been acceptable even on the Main Street. The building has on its front view eclectic motives, corresponding to the style of the beginning of the 20th century.
Szent Laszló Chapel
In the yard of the building, in the same year (1900), a new gothic style chapel was built. The architect and the constructor was the same Sztarill Ferenc. This chapel was closed after the nationalization of 1948, it’s condition was degraded on a daily bases. After the change of the regime in 1990 Bishop Tempfli József succeeded the restoration of the chapel and he consecrated it on the 14th of December 1991.
The “Little” School
This building, constructed in the beginning of the 19th century, with 4 levels, at the beginning was used as an immobile for living. In February 1875 a buyer was found – a bank from Wien bought it for 24000 Hungarian Forints. The building’s first big, important transformation was made during the summer of 1879, when architect Guttman József demolished the last floor and modified the destination of the building into a school with two levels, six big classrooms, and on the top floor they arranged a library, a room for discussions and another one for meetings. On the interior part of the building, from the courtyard, where the living spaces aren’t so high, they created on four levels, service apartments for primary teachers. Roman Catholic Ward spent 37000 Hungarian Forints on this building. In the Fall of 1879 was founded here the Roman Catholic Popular school. In the first school year, 350 pupils were taught in 6 classes.
About Us
Our school, because of its good results, the educational level and the promoted value, was always ranked in between the best Hungarian institutes. Even in the communist era, the school had a good reputation – reason why it kept all classes now days. Another important movement in the past years was when the Hungarian elementary classes from the old number 14th / Dacia Elementary School, moved to our institution, so now our school, being in the center of the city, covers a big area from the City Hall to the train station, but also kids from near localities are coming to our school, specially when their parents work in the city.
We always put hard work in the highlight, this is the reason why we have such good results at the subject Olympics, on local, regional, national and international levels, and because of this it was a great thing to become the “Szacsvay Imre” Elementary School in 2011. Now we believe even more in Szacsvay’s statement: “The real, the true freedom is not given trough wars or rebellions, it’s created by the almighty fire of the mind”
Our debut in Erasmus+