Zemedelska profesionalna gimnazia “Kliment Timiryazev”,
Sandanski, Bulgaria

School website: https://zpg-sandanski.com
Information about the project: https://greenskillszpg.blogspot.bg/2016/12/blog-post.html
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ZpgSandanski/
Educational training firm "Villa Melnik" - website :http://villamelnikzpgsand.wixsite.com/winebar
Zemedelska profesionalna gimnazia “Kliment Timiryazev” is the biggest agricultural vocational high school in the country. The school’s major courses include: profession "Economist" specialty "Agricultural Economy"; profession, "Organizer of tour-operator activity", specialty "Rural Tourism", specialty "Organization of Tourism and Leisure activities"; profession "Technician-Technologist in Quality of food and beverage" specialty "Control of the quality and safety of food and beverage"; profession "Baker-confectioner" specialty "Bread and bakery products"; profession "Viticulture-vintner" specialty "Viticulture-vintner"; profession "Agricultural Mechanization", “Agro ecology”, etc.
Students are 14 to 19 years old and come from the municipality of Sandanski and the surrounding region. The school has got 60-year old history. History showing the desire of its pedagogy staff to reach excellent results in the educational work in extracurricular life. The success obtained is due to the hard work of staff having its own vision, mission and aim about the development of the school and the students. As European citizens we understand that active civil society with opinion, acting as an engine for the society could not exist without educated and informed people. Having in mind this mainstream, our teachers encourage the development of young people by participating in different EU projects. The overall result of this European cooperation is to acquire knowledge about the culture, the way of thinking and life of the partners. As a result, students will be able to understand better each other and appreciate their unique features.
The region of Sandanski is in close proximity to Bulgarian borders with Greece and Macedonia. Historically this part of the country is a meeting point of cultures and civilizations. Moreover, people from this region have strong sense of national identity and are proud to preserve old customs and traditions.

Economically the region offers unique opportunities for tourism and thus a broader sense of borders and ways of effectively overcoming them is essential for business success.
Video of our school:
classrooms, workshops and laboratories
Life at school:
Video about our city:
Video about Bulagria: