Altıeylül Ortaokulu, Balıkesir -Turkey

  • Altıeylül Ortaokulu was built in 1930. It is one of the oldest school in Balıkesir. It is located in the city centre. Altough the building is not so big, we have 952 students and 62 teachers. Because of the best results in National exams, our school is always one of the most preferred one. The school is well equipped with audiovisual aids and technical appliances. Teachers and students are open to new techniques, methods, and information exchange. We have two terms education`; morning classes (for 7th and 8th grades)  and afternoon classes (for 5th and 6th grades) Education starts at 07.45 a.m. in school and finishes at 07:15 p.m.  At the weekends there are free courses for preparing the students to the national exams.

    Sport, folk dance and other social and academic activites are very commen and important in our school. Our folk dance group had medals from national contests. A lot of students who are interested in different braches of sports have successful degrees and medals. School chorus give concerts in important national or public days. Exhibitions of art classes are also very popular in our area.

    Participating in a partnership with schools from different countries will give students the opportunity to practice foreign languages and increase their motivation towards language learning. We believe that working with teachers from other countries will provide an unique opportunity for job shadowing: exchanging methods and experiences will make the difference.