1.2: Description of the project

  • TITLE    Active citizenship, Inclusion and Development for refugees and immigrants

    AGE RANGE   Primary and Secondary school teachers and students. Since our students were from different levels of education, the activities of this project were planned to address the abilities of students at both levels.

    SUBJECTS   Languages, ICT, History, Geography, Citizenship, Culture, Ethics, Art, Literature... 


    • To learn more about the topic of newly-arrived migrants in Europe

    • To learn how to address it in the classroom

    • To get insights about migration causes, migration journeys, rights and responsibilities

    • To discuss practical classroom activities

    • To learn which pedagogical approaches are useful and how to help these students integrate in the school community

    • To exchange practices with teachers facing the same challenges and build a network of key contacts




    1. In December 2016 we will start by presenting our schools and giving a brief description of the situation concerning refugees and immigrants in each country.

    2. In January 2017 we will organize discussions in class with students to learn about migration causes, migration journeys, rights and responsibilities and we will exploit the material from international organizations like Unicef or Action Aid to organize activities in class concerning children’s rights and aiming to enhance children’s empathy.

    3. In February 2017 we will organize workshops with people who have experiences as refugees or immigrants to narrate their stories and describe the challenges they had to face. While working on this project we will invite other schools to join us and share our activities We will exchange practical tools, websites with material, good practices used in class with teachers facing the same challenges of refugee and immigrant students’ inclusion and build a network of key contacts. Also, we will ask from other schools to present their policy regarding newly arrived students by sharing a questionnaire concerning their policy with newly arrived students in order to have a better knowledge of how other countries deal with this situation.

    4. In March 2017 we will create a common questionnaire for students and teachers to fill in so that we will be able to evaluate the results or this partnership.


    The coordinator of this project will be the 1st Vrontados Primary School and the contact person of this school will be in touch with contact persons from other schools to make sure that all members follow the timeline.




    1. We will have a better idea of the situation about migrants and refugees in different schools in Europe.

    2. Our students will understand the causes of the situation.

    3. Our students will learn their rights and obligations.

    4. We will invite people in class to narrate their experiences as refugees or migrants and upload them in Twinspace. In this way, we will enhance students’ empathy towards people in need.

    5. We will create a network of teachers working with immigrant and refugee students for future cooperation.

    6. We will collect ICT tools and good practices for use in class functioning as teaching resources for the inclusion of immigrants and refugees.

    7. All the above results will be uploaded to Erasmus+ site http://www.refugees-immigrants.com for everybody to share.