-We are about to start last activities!
-Here is the first activity of this month: Learning Postermywall and preparing posters. This site is really useful and easy to use.
-All partners and me agree to use Postermywall in their future activities. We loved it!
-We prepared a board to commemorate Prof. Dr. Oktay Sinanoğlu, who was an internationally renowned Turkish physical chemist and molecular biophysicist. Died on 19th April 2015, Prof. Dr. Oktay Sinanoğlu was the single person who got the title of Professor of Turkish Republic. He also gave great importance to our language.
-İbrahim Karabacak, the student in front of the board acted as Oktay Sinanoğlu in the Science Street activity and everybody knows him with this name too. He is proud of being called with one of greatest scientists.
-We're going to prepare a final product. This will consist of activities all of us. I also prepared some quotes of scientists. If possible, partners' students will read whichever they want. I'll also make a final video using these videos. So, here is the mini digital book of Watch TESLA content.
-One of my favourites: Word Art (Previously Tagul)! You can easily create word clouds using this tool. There are ready shapes on site. The best is to be able to upload your own shapes. I use word clouds especially for my language classes while studying on vocabulary. My students love word clouds a lot!
-A great presentation tool Prezi! With Prezi, presentations are more enjoyable now!
-This is our Prezi about Marie Curie.
-You can present your Prezis remotely and you can also download them as PDF.
-We have two more projects going on. One them is named as Farklılıkların Farkındayız. I wanted to organize a walk on 2nd April, World Autism Awareness Day, but it was postponed to another date, 19th May. We prepared banners containing eTwinning and all my new and earlier projects. So it became like eTwinning walk! We really liked it and found it very useful for both raising awareness and disseminating.
-Here are our videos for Watch T.E.S.L.A.! We had fun while shooting!
-Great! Partners sent me chosen photos and videos of their own activities and I made a video as Watch T.E.S.L.A.! As I understood that combining videos above and sent videos and photos would result in a big file, I just used sent ones. This video tells how we worked diligently, joyfully and cooperatively. We hope you enjoy!