About the Project

  • Description of the Project

    With our project T.E.S.L.A. (Technology, Education, Science, Life, Applications) we wish more teachers to learn about Web 2.0 tools in education and use them in their lessons. Additionally, developments in technology are fast and misusing possibility of it is high. We believe that we should follow technological developments as teachers no matter what our field of studies are and show our students how to use them for the benefit of themselves in education, in life and so on.

    During our project, we'll try to show how inseparable technology, education, science, life and applications in today's world. That's why we named the project as T.E.S.L.A., a well-known scientist's name at the same time. 

    In our opinion, neither technology, nor the others can stand alone:

    Innovative education can not be thought without technology and science.

    Better education means better life conditions  for countries.

    And applications which contain technology and science connect education and life each other successfully. When we all manage to see those five elements as a whole in education, it will give off a great energy: T.E.S.L.A.!



    1-More teachers will learn about Web 2. tools.
    2-Students will have a chance to study their lessons in the light of Web 2. tools and technology.
    3-Students will learn about scientists using technology and Web 2.0 tools.
    4-Students will learn how to use some technology in their lives.
    5-Students will see benefits of technology.
    6-Students will get the ways of using technology for the benefit of humanity.


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