Video from Greece on "What surrounds me"

  • Task 1: Watch the video carefully and write as many things as you can which show all the elements that surround the everyday life of the protagonist in Greece.


    Task 2: The student is called Abdul and he is trying to learn how to read the following poem that the teacher αt the beginning of the video is explaining to them. But he finds it difficult to read and in the end, when the teacher asks him to read it in the class, all students help him. How do you think the poem itself inspired and encouraged his classmates to stand up and help him?  Read the poem and discuss it with your teacher and classmates in class. 


    Όσο μπορείς (Oso boris)

    Κι αν δεν μπορείς να κάμεις την ζωή σου όπως την θέλεις,
    τούτο προσπάθησε τουλάχιστον
    όσο μπορείς: μην την εξευτελίζεις
    μες στην πολλή συνάφεια του κόσμου,
    μες στες πολλές κινήσεις κι ομιλίες.
    Μην την εξευτελίζεις πιαίνοντάς την,
    γυρίζοντας συχνά κ' εκθέτοντάς την,
    στων σχέσεων και των συναναστροφών
    την καθημερινήν ανοησία,
    ως που να γίνει σα μιά ξένη φορτική.
    As much as you can
    Even if you cannot live your life as you wanted to,
    at least try this
    as much as you can; do not humiliate it
    into the affinity of the world
    into the many gestures and the conversations.
    Do not humiliate it by bringing it back and forth,
    by hanging around and exposing it,
    to the daily stupidity
    of the everyday relations and the interactions,
    till it becomes an unbearable stranger.