Spanish Game: The Traitor


    The game consists of five players who have two sticks to choose, a red one or a blue one. Each colour doesn´t have a special function. It is like the prisoner´s dilemma but with the cooperation of five people.



    Player 1

    Player 2

    Player 3

    Player 4

    Player 5














     *If in a round 3 red sticks and 2 blue ones are chosen (or 2 red and 3 blue) the points are divided between the blue ones

     *If there are 4 blues and only one red, the red stick gets all the points

     *If all players choose the stick of the same colour, there are two possibilities:

                      -If it is red, no one gets the points

                      -If it is blue, the total points are multiplied by 2 and they are divided equally into the five players


    Therefore, the choice of every player has a consequence in the rest of the players. Furthermore, the collaboration of all the players is almost impossible, since each one would think of their own benefit, which could lead to ridiculous situations. For example: everyone decides to choose blue so they can win, so:

        -If all of them are selfish and take the red one because of their selfishness, nobody wins anything.

        -But if one of them isn’t selfish, he would get all of it due to his kindness.

    If someone doesn’t make a choice, they get -2 points.


    When time starts, the programme sends a message to every player and the first round begins. Then each player chooses one colour, either red or blue, and depending on the one they´ve chosen, one different message will be sent. If the colour is red,  one point is added to the red counter and another one to the global counter. If the colour is blue only one point is added  to the global count. When the global count reaches the 5 points, the clock is reset and restart from 0 and the chests open.

    The programme registers the number of red picks.The programme declares which is the winner colour and sends a message to each player related to it, so that each player knows how many points they get. This is shown on the scoreboard, in the “round” tab.



    When time starts, every player receives a message to set their colour to 0 (none). When they choose one colour, their colour is set to that one and they send a message (proc_finalizado) to say that they’ve chosen an option. When  time=0, every player receives a message and they check if they have chosen something. If they have done so, global_count adds up 1 and also, if they have picked red, the variable red_count adds up one too. After, the programme knows who has chosen a colour and which one, so the players receive the message “repartir” which gives them the amount of points they are supposed to receive.