General Knowledge


    What coat of arms is it?
    France, Poland or Spain




    The Best Game


    Friends Game

    France, Poland and Spain Crosswords


    Millionaire Game

    France - Poland - Spain


    Quiz about Spain, Poland and France

    To play at this game, click on the picture below and display it on a shared screen.The players use their own device by entering the Game Pin on this web page.

    The game of the countries

    France, Spain and Poland Crosswords

    What ID is it?
    French, Spanish or Polish?

    Who wants to be a millionaire?

    A crossword

    Who wants to be a millionaire?

    Great Polish People

    To play at this game, click on the picture below and display it on a shared screen.The players use their own device by entering the Game Pin on this web page.



    Find some words !