1) WELCOME STUDENTS ! Ice-breaker activities

  • This part of the project is the most playful and helped every member to get closer to the others through different activities.

    Before getting into the real subject, activities were mainly focused on discussing about bullying in many ways, such as jigsaw puzzles, word searchs (available in materials), creating presentation of their hometown,  introduce themselves (using English) in a Padlet. 

    Pupils were exposed to a wide variety of short movies about friendship and kindness, like the one below for instance. This video was shared in the twinspace and many teachers showed it to their pupils because it offered the perfect start to talk about great values and discuss about kindness as a way of life. This video made pupils think about how much being helpful and kindness to a friend in need or even to a stranger in need can change his entire day and finally his life because he will be going to develop powerful thoughts that act like a boomerang among people.  


    Moreover, pupils just like teachers were deeply involved in the LOGO CONTEST that was the perfect chance to make everyone feeling part of the community. This activity allowed pupils and teachers to develop many competences such as learn to learn, social and civic competences and cultural awarness.

    Many schools like the Greek teams, Secondo Circolo Didattico Comiso and Primo Circolo Mondragone involved pupils' family and organized a real campaign at school.

    Pupils from Secondo Circolo Didattico went to classes and talked to their peers about our project, they invited them to surf the school site and vote for the best logo.

    The competition made pupils deeply involved and eager to make a great job! Obviously, it doesn't matter who won the Logo Campaign because the aim of this activity was breaking the ice, having fun and raise awarness about bullying and cyberbullying.