• Timing: March-April-May


    Summary or main focuses: students a) are encouraged  to get  aware of  concepts and issues connected to:    How and why  youngsters use technology, infollution, cyberbullying, viral rumours, digital literacy, digital safety, digital identity,  digital security, digital citizenship b)  analyse existing teaching/learning practices related to ICT c) test their weaknesses and strengths,  d)    create their own digital questionnaire or manifesto

    21st competences to be developed and assessed:  innovation,  problem solving, resilience

    Driving question or challenge: "How can technology promote inclusion at school and in education?"


    Step 1

    Pupils present themselves in a video making reference to their use of technology.

    Suggested tool to collect videos: Padlet, Symbaloo, Prezi

    Here below you have an example with Symbaloo made by 3 Italian guys under the supervision of their French teacher, Angela Ciarlo


    Plus other 2 examples in English, made under the supervision of Mrs. Rizzo





    Step 2

    Pupils of each country look for a video on the net which might give clues on  inclusion through technology in education (one example can be found here)


    They watch the video and discuss about it in class. In small groups pupils face the  driving challenge: "Suggest concrete steps to take in order to promote inclusion at school and in education"

    To compare their findings with one or more  partners' teams, pupils may arrange:

    a) a video conference

    b) a chat on the TS

    c)  forum threads on the TS, like this  and this

    Suggested tools: skype, eTwinning live

    Products: reports of the class and international work as word docs, prezi, ppt, mindmaps, infographics, forms (like the one below made by the pupil Dareen on the basis of the 10 top ICT questions each of her classmates had thought of)







    Step 3

    Pupils who are going to Belgium prepare the product required by the Belgian team.


    Step 4


    During the Belgian mobility,  students a) analyse new teaching/learning practices related to technology b) test their weaknesses and strengths, c) evaluate the new mats


    Driving question or challenge: "How can technology promote unity in diversity?"

    Products:  to be decided by the Belgian team