Making school a home for each student - unity in diversity, part I

The general aim of "Making school a home for each student - unity in diversity, part I" is to accompany the first year of work on the homonymous Erasmus + KA2 project a) creating a sustainable and effective connection among the partner pupils and teachers of the 6 European schools involved; b) promoting a critical reflection of one’s values, a dedication to the European cause of ‘unity in diversity’ and to global citizenship; c)encouraging intercultural sensitivity, respect and appreciation: d) exploring and testing models of equitable learning that provide all individuals with fair and equal , with fair and equal opportunities and include learners with different abilities, backgrounds, and motivations; f) foster a sense of ownership towards learning. "Making school I" will focus on inclusive methods and initiatives mainly with regards to 1) art, photography, film; 2) digital learning and ICT.

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