• All of you have been very active and creative and have done a great job. You  are likely to make good social businessmen.

    68 of you have voted and here are the results: 


    The most social company is.....1stTree Rex, 2nd Shoes Store, 3rd McVegans


    The most ORIGINAL PRODUCT ...1st Your Jewellery, Shoes Store, and R.C.E.


    The BEST LOGO - 1st Bookfree, 2nd McVegans, 3rd  Tree Rex and Your Jewellery


    The MOST CREATIVE ADVERTISING - 1st Sun Energy, 2nd Shoes Store and World Biker


    The most CREATIVE CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN-1st McVegans, 2nd R.C.E. and 3rd World Biker


    The COMPANY I WOULD LIKE TO WORK FOR - 1st Bookfree, 2nd TreeRex and 3rd Sun Energy


    For the first place are 3 points, 2nd place 2 points and 3rd place - 1 point. So to sum up - the WIINNER IS... with 8 points...