European Landmark in the region of Warmia, Poland
The group of 9 persistent students that represent their classes (4-8) are happy to present the result of a one-month adventure with history, technology, music, drama and art. In an unconventional way, we want to arouse your curiosity and willingness to visit Olsztyn and Purda and what is more, we want you to feel that thanks to the famous resident of the medieval castle in Olsztyn, we all can live our lives in a way we do. "He stopped the Sun to move the Earth!"
Olsztyn Castle
Do you like the song? Why not to learn and sing together? In the files below you can find the lyrics and music of the song. They were written specifically for the project.
Olsztyn Castle music.mp3
lyrics of Olsztyn Castle song.docx
Olsztyn Castle.mp3