Articles about DROUGHTS

  • After a tight race between Itn-13 and Fr3-1, this last team has been the most voted option among the Spanish students. Congratulations to Amandine Roemer for her article!
    We also want to congratulate all the other teams because they have also done very good articles about droughts.


    DROUGHTS by Fr3-1

    1. Presentation of your Partner

    Résultat de recherche d'images pour

    ·  Amandine Roemer - 25.11.2016 10:50


    -Where is your school?

    Our school is in Barcelona, in a neighborhood called Sant Andreu                                                                  

                                                                   -How many peopols are you in your class?

    In our class we are 32 students, and in all the grade we are about 100 students.                                            -Where do you live?

                                                                     We don't live in a town, we live in a neighborhood as we said before.

                                                                   - What is the name of your town?, -How old are you?

     I'm Marta, I'm 12 years old and I love Nutella. I'm Mar, I'm 12 years old and I like cooking. I'm Sofia, I'm                      12 years old and I like go shopping. My name is Laia I'm 11 years old and I like dancing. I'm Mireia, I'm  12 years old and I like drawing. And my name is Monica, I'm 12 years old I love dancing like Laia and baking.

    1. Description of the disaster                

    Résultat de recherche d'images pour

                                           ·  Marta Hernando - 09.03.2017 09:49

    - How drought is formed ?


    A drought is formed when in a place doesn't rain for a long time.

    - Or the dryness happened ?

    We don't understand this question.

    -When it happened last time ?

    The last drought in Catalonta was from April 2007 to January 2009.

    -At which season does drought happen?

    Normally it happens in summer, because is very hot.

    -At what temperature can you speak of drought?

    When we speakof droughts we usually talk about 38 degrees.

    -What is the highest temperature you have esperienced?

    Probably would be a summer that we were at 40 degrees                                                                           

    -From what length of time?

                                                                     About a day an a half

    3. Consequences


    How many poeple die because of drought?

     In our country there aren't many deaths because of a drought, but in East and South Africa there are

    cities that are dead by a drought.  


    How many are injured or ill?

     In Africa are more than thousens of people with illnesses


    What consequences on nature?

     The plants die the land becomes very dry so cracks are formded. Also the rivers disappear


    Are there other consequences? 

     Sometimes there's


    malnutrition, deshydration and relacionated diseases.


    4. Prevention plans

    How to prevent people there is a danger?

    • If you mean how to warn people there is a drought, we say it throught all the TV, radio or

    How to behave during the drought ?

                  When there is a grought, the poor countries sometimes they emigrate.But in our country, we have to save water showering instead of having a bath or closing the sink when isn't necessary


    What to avoid during drought ?

    • We use the dams to avoid the droughts, we save the maximum water and use desalination plants.


    How and who predicts a drought?

    • The ones who predict the droughts are  weather specialists trought media devices.