• Let's Introduce Ourselves!


    Let's make a small introduction at the beginning, considering that some of the members just joined us.

    There is a page "Let's Introduce Ourselves! " where you can post something about your team and expectations connected with this project. That could be a video for example or anything else that you prefer. 

    Thales’ Theorem and Triangle Similarity


    European Day of Languages is celebrated every September 26 since 2001.

    We decided to celebrate it in our mathematical way and to make a small exhibition about Thales' theorem and the similarity of triangles.

    • Each team will make a poster about Thales’ Theorem in its own language.
    • Each team will make a poster with four triangle similarity postulates/criteria in its own language.
    • Read them aloud and record the voices too.

     We will make a small interactive exibition of our work on THIS PAGE.

    Measuring the Height of a Tree

    Take a look at the presentation made by Romanian Team from Cluj-Napoca and let it inspire us to do the similar thing in our own school yards. 

    Measure the height of a tree, school, street signpost, street lights or something else that you find interesting.

    After you finish your work, post your results HERE


    Platonic solids & Polyhedra


    Let's discover the properties of polyhedra, Euler's formula, the net of a polyhedron, Platonic Solids and anything else you consider it will be interesting to investigate.


    After you finish your work, post your results HERE


    Virtual Postcards


    Dear students,

    Your task for this period is to capture the pictures or to make a video about your hometown  in order to present your homeplace to the other partners.

    But, there is one important thing!

    Pay attention on the architecture and try to identify solid figures,as well as the relations between lines and planes.

    After you finish your work, post your results HERE


    Interesting Maths (optional)


    Take a look at the page INTERESTING MATHS and take a part in some of our challenges there.




    Decimal Numbers


    This proposal came from Ivanić-grad and it's about Decimal numbers. Please, open this TABLE and fill it.


    Math Dictionary


    Dear teachers, please open this TABLE.

    Teachers may add new words/expressions in English and then, together with students, fill the words/expressions in their native language. Also, we want to record the students when they pronounce these words. Then we will have a final product (Thinglink or something else, we will see). 


    Video Meeting


    Dear teachers, this is the task for you! 

    Let's arrange some video meetings if it is possible from February 20 till February 24, with the starting topic "TELL ME ABOUT YOUR HOMEPLACE". 

    We can do it here, on the TwinSpace or by Skype.

    We made a Doodle with an optional optional schedule, just as an orientation. Partners will be able to set a precise time and to talk about the details later.

    Please, follow THIS LINK and fill the poll. 

    If you find a partner, be free to arrange a video meeting. 



    Practical Task


    Design a practical task from a real real life and solve it.

    Post your tasks and results HERE.



    Temperature In Our Cities


    Let's measure the temperature together. 

    In a table on THIS PAGE add your city, country and the obtained results . 

    Once we have a fulfilled table, we will make a graphical presentation of our data.



    Before the final video meeting and before we say goodbye, please tell us how did you like this project and what did you like about it. Did you like your Math Classes dedicated to it? 

    Share your thoughts with us on THIS PAGE.