Algorithms and national traditions.

  • Traditions in Moldova and Romania

    In Moldova and Romania, March 1st brings with it a beautiful spring custom called martisoru. Martisor is physically represented by a small object tied with two braided threads, knotted, white and red, which signifies the fight of life over death, of health against disease. Martisor is also considered a talisman of luck, well-being and appreciation. It is customary for men to offer the ladies and gentlemen of their lives martyrdom, as a sign of respect and admiration.

    The purpose of tying or putting the martisoru is to be lucky during the year, to be as healthy and clean as silver with the arrival of spring.

    The martisoru is also considered a symbol of spring, the return to life of nature and everything around it. Martisor is worn for about two weeks or all of March, because it brings optimism and faith.


  • National traditions.

    Macrina Istrati, LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia, Moldova

    National tradition ”Martisor”

    Claudia,Diana,Roberta,Madalina,Andra/Scoala Gimnazială,,Ion Tuculescu''

    Paiting eggs

    Duygu BALIM/Kızılcabölük Mehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School

    Our Hıdırellez Festival

    Duygu BALIM/Kızılcabölük Mehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School

    My twinners' algorithm for Hıdırellez Festival.

    Jouhaina chebil, Prep school cite el Gazala, Tunisia

    National tradition carpet

    Duygu BALIM/Kızılcabölük Mehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School

    My twinner Gülnisa is sharing her activity for Hıdırellez Festival.

    Cotenco Sorina & Valeria Prodan, Guțu Ludmila(teacher), Moldova, IP LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia

    Donut Preparation

    Duygu BALIM/Kızılcabölük Mehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School

    My twinner Gülnisa is creating algorithm of Hıdırellez Festival.