Online meeting on Adobe Conect/ Zoom

  • When will be the first teachers meeting on Adobe Conect
    February 17th at 18 CET
    1 vote (20.00%)
    February 18th at 18 CET
    3 votes (60.00%)
    February 19th at 18 CET
    1 vote (20.00%)
  • Link to first meeting with teachers on 18.02.2022

    Link to first meeting with students on 12.03.2022

    Link to cheat room meeting with students on 09.05.2022

    Link to final meeting with teachers and studedents on 27.05.2022


  • Attend to meetings

    Guțu Ludmila, Moldova, IP LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia

    Teachers meeting on Adobe Conect

    Guțu Ludmila, Moldova, IP LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia

    Teachers meeting on Adobe Conect

    Igor Guțu, LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia, Moldova

    18.02.2022. Teachers meeting on Adobe Conect

    Guțu Ludmila, Moldova, IP LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia

    12.03.2022.Our first students meeting

    Igor Guțu, LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia, Moldova

    12.03.2022.Our first students meeting

    Igor Guțu, LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia, Moldova

    12.03.2022.Our first students meeting

    Duygu BALIM/Kızılcabölük Mehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School

    Our twinners met each other. They introduced themselves and they played a kahoot game about our project.

    Golumbeanu Anamaria, ”ION ȚUCULESCU” Secondary School, Craiova, Romania

    First meeting 12.03.2022

    Golumbeanu Anamaria, ”ION ȚUCULESCU” Secondary School, Craiova, Romania

    Meeting of students
    Moldova - Romania

    Jouhaina chebil, Prep school cite el Gazala, Tunisia

    This collection is a collaboratif document "resume all the meeting" with our partners and students

    Duygu BALIM/Kızılcabölük Mehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School

    Our last meeting. We all come together and analyzed our project from the beginning to the end.

    Guțu Ludmila, Moldova, IP LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia

    Our final meeting

    Igor Guțu, LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia, Moldova

    Our last meeting.

    Anamaria Corina Golumbeanu/Şcoala Gimnazială ION ŢUCULESCU, Craiova, Romania

    Last meeting on 27.05.2022