Algorithm of some games

  • Algorithm of some games

    Jouhaina chebil, Prep school cite el Gazala, Tunisia

    Let's use scratch and discover geometric shapes

    Jouhaina chebil, Prep school cite el Gazala, Tunisia

    We will create a program using MakeCode that helps little schoolchildren learn and revise their knowledge on the following mathematical operators: "+", "-" and "x" "Let's play with the operators" using the micro:bit card
    ✅ On the A button if it is a multiplication operation. «x »,
    ✅ On the B button if it is a subtraction operation. « - »
    ✅ On the A+B button if it is a sum operation. « + »

    Angela, Ariana, Vlăduț, Edi/ Școala Gimnazială "Ion Țuculescu"


    Marionela Coțofana, LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia, Moldova

    Algorithms in stories

    Elif Twinner/KızılcabölükMehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School/ Duygu BALIM (Teacher)

    My game algorithm on Learning App web 2.

    Elif Twinner/KızılcabölükMehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School/ Duygu BALIM (Teacher)

    My game algorithm on Learning App web 2.

    Bunescu Anastasia, Igor Guțu(teacher), LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia, Moldova
    Gîncu Doina, Guțu Ludmila(teacher), Moldova, IP LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia


    Duygu BALIM/Kızılcabölük Mehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School

    My twinner Elif is creating a game on Learning App web 2.

    Anastasia Bunescu, LT ”Ion Creangă”, Popeștii de Sus, Drochia, Moldova

    Game in space

    Duygu BALIM/Kızılcabölük Mehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School

    My twinner Elif is creating algorithm of creating game on Learningapps web 2.