AUL3 in Zwickau - Automobilindustrie und Bewerbungstraining

  • Die dritte Projektwoche im Rahmen des Erasmus+-Projekts "Unternehmerisches Denken und Sprachliche Vielfalt - eine Brücke in die Zukunft"  fand vom 06-12.11.2016 in Zwickau statt. Dort haben die Zwickauer Gastgeber zusammen mit den Projektpartnern aus Rhauderfehn (D), Wien (AU), Zarnesti (RU) und Augustenborg (DK) ein attraktives und spannendes Programm absolviert. Neben der attraktiven Altstadt von Zwickau, ist besonders der Fahrzeugbau im Zwickauer VW-Werk nachdrücklich bei uns und allen Schülerinnen und Schülern in Erinnerung geblieben. Hier konnte in eindrucksvoller Weise erfahren werden, wie sich die Berufswelt und damit die speziellen Anforderungen der Wirtschaft an zukünftige Arbeitnehmer verändert. Die Geschichte der Zwickauer Automobilwelt ließ sich dagegen als spannender Kontrast in Horch-Museum erfahren. Die Woche wurde zusätzlich durch einen Ausflug in die sächsische Metropole Dresden mit Stadtrundfahrt sowie -führung abgerundet. Nicht zu vergessen ist außerdem die Abschlusspräsentation am Freitag gewesen. Hier flossen reichlich Tränen - die beste Belohnung und ein riesiges Dankeschön für eine sehr gelungene Projektwoche!!!


    Lesen Sie hier die Eindrücke einiger Schüler zur Projektwoche in Zwickau:

    Impression of our week in Zwickau


    CLIL Monday Group B, 7th November 2016

    On Monday we had CLIL lessons from 8.00 to 12.50. The teachers from Denmark Mr. Keller and Ms. Vogt taught us. First, we played a game with toilet paper. We had to get the toilet paper and say something about us. After that we played a game where we had to build a tower with straws. Then we learnt something about the different parts of communication. We watched two videos with two famous politicians, who use d different parts of communication. At the end we had to build a legocar. The problem was that every group didn’t have all pieces and other groups had the pieces twice. So, we had to deal with the other groups.


    Tuesday, 8th November 2016

    At 8 am school started and the second day with CLIL-lessons began. We met in the computer room and played a game.  We had to throw a ball to someone. There were two different balls, a yellow one and a red one. The red ball means “ask” and the yellow one means “answer”. The pupil with the red ball had to ask a question from a box to the person with the yellow ball.

    After that we began to write an application. First, in our mother tongue and then in English. For help we got worksheets with notes and the structure of an application. When we finished the applications, we took some photos of us and created a cover.

    The CLIL-lessons ended at 11.50 and then we had a short break and got a packed lunch, because at 12 am we drove with the bus to a pumped storage hydro power station in Markersbach. There we listened to a presentation, for example abut the function of the power station or where some stations in Germany are.

    Then we went in to the mountain and had a guided tour. After the visit we drove to another place: Incense cone factory in Crottendorf. There we made incense cone on our own.

    At 5 pm we drove back to school and our host parents picked us up. In the evening we spent time with our host family like every evening in this week and enjoyed the project.


    Wednesday, 9th November

    We got up in the morning at 6 o’clock and had ourselves finished. Afterwards we had breakfast and at 7 o’clock we drove to school. After that we had CLIL and the subject of today’s lesson was the starting a business. But before, we made a small Speeddating. There were five lies, so we had to find out who lied.

    Then we spoke about a company foundation and what is most important. We agreed on the following aspects: first, the right season. Secondly, you have to find someone who gives you money for the company. Thirdly, you have to find the right place for your company because e.g. a climbing wood cannot be opened in a town. Then we got a subject for what we should found our own company. We had the subject Water. We thought about a company name and a logo. Our name was Neptun Diving school. Then we presented our ideas and also the others. At the end everyone had to give his opinion about the best company. At the end the company with the most coloured poster won.


    Friday, 11th November

    On Friday, we were divided in two groups again. Our group went to the August-Horch-Museum in Zwickau from 9.30 to 12.30. We had a guided tour. We learnt something about the Horchcars and Audicars. The second group went to VW Mosel. After that we presented our CLIL-lessons. After that we had to say good-bye to the Romanian and the Danish people. All people were very sad a part of the people cried. The pupils from the Kompakt school brought food and drinks for us. Later we went to our host families for the last time and the next morning we went home.



    So beurteilen die Schüler die Wochenaktivitäten: 

    Hier sehen Sie die Evaluationen der Schüler zu den verschiedenen CLIL-Stunden, die in Zwickau gehalten wurden. Unsere Arbeit hat sich gelohnt, die vielen positiven Rückmeldungen machen Mut! Weiter unten sehen Sie Schülerergebnisse zu einer der Unterrichtsstunden.