• Participants (students):
    • 36 students of 2de in Lycée Gustave Eiffel, Armentières, France
    • 25 students of V.OA and I.A classes in Gymnázium Štefana Moysesa Moldava nad Bodvou, Slovakia
    • 12 students of 1st and 2nd grade of General Lyceum of Velvendo, Wetsern Macedonia, Greece
    Project coordinators (teachers):
    Project preparation and communication (teachers):
    • effective communication between project coordinators: using gmail (during the project were sent hundreds of emails between all the coordinators - collective emails, all of us were active) and twinmmail,
    • online collaboration in shared google drive documents: project planning doc (introduction of teachers, comparison of school calendars - holidays, creating the scenario, planning the topics in the project challenges, recommending possible collaboration tools for challenges, sharing passwords and logins for etcalleurope accounts on different tools, decision of the way to assess students cooperation, rewards for students teamwork...), table describing planned activities in details and setting the deadlines for each chalenge, directories in GoogleDrive with free pictures for project purpose and for  "badges"=rewards for students made by coordinators, shared score table document (where each member of coordinators evaluated her/his two groups (in the project there were 12 international teams and 6 teachers),
    • cooperation in preparation the twinspace pages (all the teachers took part) - somebody created the page, somebody wrote the scenario, somebody corrected the English grammar, somebody prepared the tools for teams, somebody embeded these tools into twinspace, somebody helped with the design of the pages, somebody created motivation avatar's speech / teaser video / voicerecording..., somebody gave the awards for groups, somebody created a forum threads,... and all of us checked groups work... ,
    • collaboration in the evaluation (creating the questionary, processing the responses, creating twinspace pages, creating pictures with scores, creating badges, emailing the awards to teams after each mission,...),
    • dissemination of the project (writing articles, photos, preparing interwievs, preparing awarding ceremonies, posting materials in twinspace..),
    • creating and cooperating in the shared document, where we prepared the application for quality label together.  
    Communication between teachers and students:
    • teachers created in twinspace one administrator account called E.T. - each of us (teachers) used this account for communication between teachers and students,
    • there were a lot of twinmails sent from E.T to international grous of students (12 teams, each with 6 -7 students) with detailed instructions and passwords for tools used in each mission,..
    • teams and students communicated with teachers (E.T) using:
      • twinmail (they sent links for ready documents/tasks, announced problems,..),
      • twinspace pages (after each mission they wrote the evaluation of the mission: Lessons to be learnt (padlets)),  
      • twinspace forum (finding team members,...)
      • project journal (score table), 
    • students communicated through twinmail, twinspace forum, chat, social networks (facebook), and cooperated in different webtools (google docs, padlet, lino, popplet, voicethread, postermywall, titanpad, tricider, answergarden...).
    Project progress
    • Motivation: Students have discovered the project via the “quantum capsule” = in each (partner) country, one teacher said he/she had found a USB key in the classroom and asked: whose key is it? No answer… They had a look to find out who the key belonged to. All the partners received the same coded message (content of USB key) and students had to decipher it... (see page Mission1-Contact)... so they knew the internet-address of the Twinspace and GPS coordinates of participating schools...

    • Creating teams: Next mission was about creating international teams (each student recieved a twinmail with a photo - one constellation picture, there were 12 different pictures=teamnames=constellations: Orion, Pegasus, Libra, Hydra, Gemini, Centaurus, Cygnus,... In twinspace forum students were searching for pupils who had received the same picture... When the team was complete, they took part in their first collaborative challenge: to find out, what they had in common and create a picture with their names in their constellation picture and more... (see page Mission2-Come together).
    • During the project students were participating in several missions (different topics and subjects: science, technology, geography,  enviromnental, biology, foreign language) and worked on cooperative tasks, during the project they excercised their communication skills, the ability to cooperate in teams, they learned to make decisions and act as citizens, they developed critical thinking, expressed their opinion, respected the others, evaluated their progress and increased their creativity... (see pages Mission3 - Mission7)
    • After each mission there was a place for writing their experience and what they had learnt. After each mission they also received the twinmail with the reward for their cooperative work (badges for all succesful teams) and get XP (experience points)...see page Hall of fame, - visualizing the competition is visible in Project Journal too. Evaluation of the whole project is in page Mission completed. 
    •  The project was disseminated also for public, for more information see page Dissemination.