Step 1 - Proverbs -Deadline 10/12/2016

  • Instructions for your team:

    There are 12 pictures (in VOICETHREAD below), but only one of them is for your team. Your task is to find one idiom or proverb in English that corresponds to your picture. You have to communicate (in team) and so you can decide which proverb is the best for your picture.

    Type a text comment with the selected proverb or idiom in English, write it under your picture (click the "+ Comment" button).

    After that you have to translate the idiom literally into your own languages - French, Slovak and Greek. You can use the same "+ Comment" button and record your audio comments .


    * login and password for your team you can find in your twinmail-box


     40 XP   for team's proverb/idiom and its translations