Activity 5 Is tradition important ?

  • After waching the video write your opinion answering the question: Is local traditions important for people ?  in this FORUM 


    Second question : What do you feel when you participate with your friends in local fests? 

    Type your anwer in the answergarden :  (you can repeat the answers !! ) 

    Thank you for your answers !!! Here  are  : 

    And some of your opinions about tradition ! They are really interesting and valuable ! Thank you all !

    "I think yes tradition is important because each country celebrate its traditions and most of the tourists want to see and enjoy a foreign fest."

    I believe that traditions are important for each place because they are different in each place and it is nice to know them and see how different each place is. Traditions I believe characterize every place.

    Traditions in my opinion are important because not only you get in touch with other people but you also do things that your ancestors used to do

    I believe that local traditions are very important because in this way we remember our ancestors and  we continue what we received from them.

    local fests offer joy and happines because people dance as a team

    In an age characterized by globalization and superficial human relations, it seems that the preservation of a society's traditional rituals can make a positive contribution to the psychosocial development of its citizens tomorrow.

    Local traditions are very important because they are our  local identity !!

    Its very  important  learn and keep  the manners and customs of our place and also to respect and accept the customs and traditions of the other peoples of the world.

    Tradition is very  important because each country celebrate  their traditions and most of the tourists want to see and enjoy a foreign fest.

    I think that local traditions are important and we must always celebrate them because its our history and identity. As for exemple today 19 May that we celebrate the Genoside in Pontos 

    In my opinion, local traditions are very important. Traditions represent who we are, who we were in the past and who we gonna be in represents our history, so its very important.

     We have to keep our traditions alive so next generation can understand our past .

    Traditions are important. We must preserve the old traditions in order to preserve our national face in the era of globalization.

    By following the traditions, we keep our own look. By doing so we honor the spirits of our ancestors who look down on us from heaven and protect us. That is why the existence and protection of traditions is most important for the existence of a nation.