Activity 4 - Independence Day in my country

  • This page is to present what Independence Day is like in my country. Share your thoughts on what Independence Day means to you



    Georgians gained independence twice in the 20th century. May 26, 1918, and April 9, 1991. Both are precious to us, but May 26 - our first Independence Day - is a special holiday.

    Independence is paramount in the life of a nation. It brings development, progress and happiness. For me, Freedom Day is associated with 5-cross flags. Georgians love their own flag very much. I am also proud of the flag of my country, because according to foreign historical sources (Italian and Spanish nautical maps) it is at least 680 years old, although the 5-cross composition can still be found on the walls of Georgian churches of VI, VIII, X centuries.

    Georgia has been a stronghold of Christianity in the East since ancient times. He took the first blows as a fighting shield and defended Europe from the Central Asian mobs of the Mongols, the Iranians, Temur-Leng.
    What do you think about the 5-cross flags displayed on the old Georgian castles?


    Independence day in Greece 

    Independance day for Greece is 25 Mars , the beging of the fight against Turkish occupation. During the Ottoman occupation in Greece, there were many attempts at revolt in various areas, but they were stopped by the Turks. In 1821 the revolution began in the Peloponnese which after 9 years of struggle led to the establishment of the first free Greek state.
    This struggle was very difficult against a powerful enemy but the determination of those fighting for freedom led to heroic victories and moved the foreign forces that helped and recognized the free Greek state.

    Independance day for Greece is 25 Mars , the beging of the fight against Turkish occupation but for Kastoria is 11 November .

    November 11, 1912, after 527 years under the Turkish ocupation, Kastoria is liberated by the Greek Army and joins the cities of the Modern Greek State. It was a day of celebration of Saint Megalomartyr Mina, whom we have been honoring since then as the patron saint of the city. Kastoria is the last chronological city of Macedonia that was liberated during the A; Balkan War between the allied Balkan states and the Ottoman Empire.

    11 November in Kastoria 


    Sifnos participated in the Greek War of Independence 1821, with a regiment organised by Nicholaos Chrysogelos (1780-1858), which was mainly active in the Peloponnese. Nicholaos Chrysogelos became the first Minister of Education of the modern Greek state and established the first elementary schools.