Collection of finished "Picturetrains" for the rainforest to EU Climate Commission

  • "Picturetrains for the rainforest " versus cheap palm oil in Europe.

    Picturetrain from:Ecole élémentaire Bouvet B , Saint -Denis, France Reunion, Teacher : Christelle Lapra



    Picturetrain from: Ecole élementaire Le Terroir, Cergy, France, teacher:Michèle TELLIER-SAVINEL



    "Picturetrain for the rainforest" from class: Pinguins, primary school Rellinger Strasse, Hamburg ,Germany



    "Picturetrain for the rainforest" from the whole primary school "Theodor-Haubach", Hamburg, Germany , 

    Initiative by class: "Textile -art for rainforest" ,teacher :Ulrike Claus

    "Picturetrain for the rainforest" from class: art-class WP/5, primary school Rellinger Strasse, Hamburg ,Germany

    "Picturetrain for the rainforest" from: class 3c, primary school Bahrenfelder Strasse, Hamburg,Germany