
  • Dissemination of the Project

    Escola Básica de Rates, Portugal

    Dissemination of the project in the school's Newsletter

    Escola Básica de Rates, Portugal

    Dissemination of the project in the school's website

    İZMİR / KARŞIYAKA Mehmet Seniye Özbey İlkokulu

    Dissemination of the project in the school's website

    ICS 21 Bologna

    School website for the project process and results dissemination.

    ICS 21 Bologna

    Classroom materials for the families

    Be Water Wise: dissemination channels and events _Teramo_ITALY

    The project activities and results have been uploaded to the European school web site. On June 7th students will be engaged into an event where they will surf the TwinSpace and show parents their work.