1. Buoyancy Experiments

  • Buoyancy Experiments from Bologna


    Use this board to share your tutorials and the results of the experiments with the partners!

    Floating & sinking

    The 2nd graders from Bologna are preparing a tutorial about buoyancy. We are almost ready! You can have a look at the prompts we used to introduce the topic

    Floating & sinking: prompt #1

    What happens in the video? Why?

    Floating & sinking: prompt #2

    What does this picture make you think of? Have you ever done this kind of activity?
    (picture from https://unsplash.com/)

    Floating & sinking: prompt #3

    What's going to happen?
    (picture from https://unsplash.com/)

    The tutorial is ready!

    Have a look at it below :-) Have fun!

    Float or sink?

    Kids from Teramo (I.C. "Zippilli-Noè Lucidi") tested the experiment in the Science lab.

    Molecule Madness by Chiara

    What you need: water, dish soap, small dish, paper clips.
    What to do:1. Fill a bowl with water. 2. Put the paper clips in the bowl
    3. Add a couple drops of dish soap to the water. What happens?

    Molecule Madness by Chiara

    Hypothesis: The paper clips sink
    Results Paper clipsare heavy croni and sink sop is light and floats
    Discussion Paper clips are heavy iron and sink soap is light and floats.