3. The Water Cycle

  • Water cycle: experiments

    Let's investigate the water cycle

    Students from Teramo are investigating how vapour and clouds are formed, why it rains...

    Evaporation in action: Day 1

    1. Ask a question: why does water evaporate?
    2. Topic: let's investigate evaporation.
    3. State hypothesis "water evaporates because it turns into vapour"; "... when the sun heats up the water"...
    4. Test hypothesis, observe and collect data.

    Agrupamento de Escolas de Rates, Portugal

    Students from Portugal experimented on the Water Cycle; Here's our tutorial.

    2nd graders from Bologna

    We carried out the experiment proposed by the pupils from Teramo! We had a lot of fun! Your tutorial was very clear. Thanks!
    WE are going to discuss the questions in the next few days.

    Make a cloud in a bottle by kids in Teramo_ITALY

    When you squeeze and shake the bottle, water vapour forms inside it. When you let go of the bottle , this vapur turns into a cloud made of water droplets. Enjoy the experiment!

    2nd graders from Bologna

    We noticed that in the container with the lid the water was "trapped" and it formed some droplets.

    2nd graders from Bologna

    After a while, the water in the container without the lid was completely evaporated but the food colouring was still there! We think that is a process similar to the one that happens with the seawater in a salt basin. What to you think? Did the same happen with your container?

    A question from Bologna to Portugal

    Can we use a plastic container instead of the glass bowl for the water cycle ecosystem? Thank you! :-)

    Answer from Portugal to Bologna

    Yes, you can use a plastic container instead of the glass bowl. It just need to be transparent. :)