Work process

  • Through a PBL approach students will investigate about Technological advances and their use in our everyday life.


    • The partners (teachers and students) present themselves, their schools, the cities they live in and their countries of origin.
    • Ice breaking activities:
      • Forum – Let’s know each other better;
      • Kahoot with questions about the partners (schools, city, country) – collaborative, each team should create 4 questions.  

    Deadline: 26th November

    Project logo:

    • students create logo proposals;

    Deadline: 17th January

    • eTwinners vote for the best project logo - eTwinning Live event (first dissemination of the project).

    Deadline: 21st January

    Driving question: “How does technology impact our everyday life?”

    • Questionnaire about the technology students use in their everyday life;
      • Results from the questionnaire and discussion (Forum on TwinSpace or Kialo).

    Deadline: 21st January

    • Research on national teams about a Technological Innovation (students should choose the one(s) they want to explore)
      • students create videos/animations, posters or infographics to advertise that Tech;
      • The work done by each team is shared on the TwinSpace (if possible we could try to have an online meeting and some groups would present their work) and a forum/page discussion with guiding questions/topics should be created.

    Deadline: 11th March 

    • On international teams, each team chooses a Technology and students should research:
      • Natural resources needed to make technology work;
      • Impact on the environment and health*:
        • *STE(A)M activities: (optional)
          • fish contain a variety of chemical compounds and are not healthy to eat in large quantities. If possible, it is also possible to measure the plastic content of the sea, perform salinity tests or other;
      • Impact on the society, environment and health of using that Technology:
        • Coding activity:  sudents create a game about "avoid impacts of technology”, using (optional)
        • Graphic/video art
      • Worldwide inequalities in the access to the Technology in question:
        • First approach to the topic on World Human Rights day: 
          • 2021 Theme: EQUALITY - Reducing inequalities, advancing human rights (more info here)
          • A call to action for Human Rights: New frontiers of human rights - pledge 7 (more info here and here)
      • Each team should create a presentation with their findings (Google Slides, Canva, Genially, other that allows collaborative work) – Forum should be active to engage students on the collaborative work.
      • The work done by each team is shared on the TwinSpace (if possible we could try to have an online meeting and some groups would present their work) and a forum/page discussion with guiding questions/topics should be created.

    Deadline: 8th May

    • Expert  talks on partner's schools to address Technology related topics - resume shared  on TwinSpace.
    • Academic debate(s)
      • Topic 1: Space exploration
      • Topic 2: The need of technological advances in our society
      • Topic 3: Tech addiction
    • Relationship between the Technological advances addressed by the students and the achievement of the goals of the 2030 Agenda – interactive image (Genially)

    Final product:

    • interactive presentation (Genially)
      • work done by the students - presentations, videos, posters, infographics, games;
      • STE(A)M activities;
      • conclusions of the debates;
      • expert talks;
      • answer to the driving question “How does technology impact our everyday life?”. 
    • collaborative video - resume of the project work, created by the partners.


    To know if the learning objectives were achieved students’ work will be assessed using rubrics (collaboration in the international and national teams/work group, STE(A)M activities, forum participation, …), direct observation and peer assessment.

    The project activities will be followed by partners and rearrangement of the tasks when necessary.
    At the end of the project students answer a questionnaire/form and the teachers reflect on the impact of the project.