Initially included in the planned mobility to Lithuania, this Conference was held online the 29th of March 2022.
Program of the International conference _FlaG_, 2022 03 29.docx
Here we have the recording of the Conference. If you watch it you will be able to learn about Lithuanian History.
Here we have the presentations participating in the Conference:
1. Baltic Mythology, Raguva Gymnasium
Presenters: Benas Acevičius and Matas Ramoška
Teacher: Eglė Balsienė, Lithuania
2. European Christianity Culture, Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium.
Presenters: Caroline Sauer, Emma Kriegel, Luise Funk
Teacher: Gudrun Karbach, Germany
Christian Culture in Lithuania by Caroline, Emma, Luise.pdf
3. Baltic Culture, Smilgiai Gymnasium
Presenters: Gabija Karpytė and Marta Matulytė
Teacher: Aušra Krikščiūnienė, Lithuania
„Baltic Culture“.pptx
4. Baltic Culture, Institut Joan Sola
Presenters: 4th ESO students
Teacher: Ana Luisa Novoa Gonzalez, Jordi Labernia Spain
BALTIC CULTURE by Institut Joan Solà.pdf
5. Baltic Culture, O. Nucula Middle School
Presenters: Class 3 M
Teacher: Rita Filippetti, Italy
BALTIC CULTURE final version.pdf
6. The Dukes of Lithuania, Naujamiestis Gymnasium
Presenters: (Team Presentation) Pijus Adomavičius, Vilinta Aleliūnaitė, Austėja Nuakaitė, Fausta Griciūtė, Ugnė Trinkūnaitė, Arnas Bartusevičius, Marija Liepa Jukonytė
Teacher: Sigita Šakienė, Lithuania
7. The Dukes of Lithuania. Grand Duke Gediminas,
Ketvergiai Basic School
Presenters: Gabija Garbenčiūtė and Gabija Šurkutė
Teacher: Rima Norkiene, Lithuania
8. The Dukes of Lithuania. Alexander Jagiellon,
Naujamiestis Gymnasium
Presenter: Titas Šatavičius
Teacher: Inga Vasiliauskienė, Lithuania
9. The Dukes of Lithuania, M.Karka’s Basic School
Presenters: Špokevičiūtė Ūla, Deividas Rancovas, Karina Zubauskaitė, Povilas Atstupėnas, Ervinas Adomavičius, Gratas Gedraitis, Benediktas Domkus
Teachers: Virginija Kuriazovienė and Irena Gaidelionienė, Lithuania
10. Baltic Culture (traditions, religion, amber),
M.Karka’s Basic School
Presenters: Rusnė Glinskytė, Aivis Rožėnas, Kamilė Venskutė, Karolina Rusteikaitė
Teachers: Eglė Čepulienė and Irena Gaidelionienė, Lithuania
Baltic culture.pptx
11. Nemunas – the river in Lithuanian history, Institut Joan Sola
Presenters: 4th ESO students
Teachers: Ana Luisa Novoa Gonzalez, Jordi Labernia Spain
Nemunas River by Institut Joan Sola.pdf
12. The importance of Kaunas castle, Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium
Presenters: Flora Wilkenhöner, Louisa Baasner, Livia Janetzky, Laura Strese, Elfriede Paul, Klara Werner, Noah Krüger, Jonas Medart, Luis Hein, Christoph Haderthauer
Teacher:Gudrun Karbach, Germany
Kaunas Castle - the history by Jonas, Noah, Luis, Christoph.pdf
Kaunas Castle architecture by Louisa and Flora.pdf
Kaunas Forts by Elfriede, Kklara, Laura, Livia.pdf
13. Nemunas – the river in Lithuanian history,
M.Karka’s Basic School
Presenter: Vakarė Jasilionytė
Teacher: Eglė Čepulienė, Lithuania
Nemunas The river in Lithuanian History - Mikolas Karka1.pdf
14. The importance of Kaunas castle, O. Nucula Middle School
Presenters: Class 3 H
Teacher: Rita Filippetti, Italy
15. Historical role of buildings near the river Nemunas, Naujamiestis Gymnasium
Presenter: Emilija Armonaitė
Teacher: Inga Vasiliauskienė, Lithuania
Some pictures of the Meeting:
Some photos