The film The Boy who Harnessed the Wind

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    The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind is a 2019 film by director and actor Chiwetel Ejiofor. It is based on the book with the same name by William Kamkwamba, the protagonist of the true story. 1:13 min.


    After watching the film leve your opinion in the twinboard below. 

  • What's your opinion of the film? Please mention the characters, the plot, soundtrack, ... What are the topics or scenes you would highlight?

    Robin Kuipers, Germany

    This film was really good. It shows how the life is in Africa. The characters were good too.

    Jarne Kamphuis, Germany

    Movie is good for what it is but it's in some parts pretty boring and not really realistic

    Jeroen Huls, Germany

    The film was pretty good but I think it is unrealistic to load a battery only by a dynamo. Also sometimes it was a bit boring but okay.

    Marcos Rodríguez, Spain

    I like it because the film shows us that you can do much with less.
    This film makes you empathize and we undestarded perfectly. his problem.
    I recommend the film because it shows many values.

    Carmen Ibáñez Spain

    I think that these movies make you think about what you have, that we have to be grateful.My favorite scene was when the water finally came out and a great weight was lifted from their shoulders.

    Sofía Liu, Spain

    I like the film because I think it’s a good movie that teaches you many values and helps you to empathize. The film is easy to understand and I recommend it.

    Marco López, Spain

    I like this movie because teaches you to value that you have, as in the part where they were robbed and this movie helps you to empathize. The film is amusins and I really recommend it. I think that the director did a fantastic job

    Álvaro Pino, Spain

    This movie teaches you to believe in your dreams and fight for them, to be strong in the difficult moments and help your family and Friends.

    Elías Ibáñez Díaz / Spain

    I´m crazy about the film, She is very good and teaches you a lot

    Lucía (Spain)

    I really recommend this film, because it shows that if you keep fighting to life you’d get what you want. In my point of view my favourite scene is when he went to university because it’s very happy as well as he finally did what he want and that’s nice.

    Paco Montero, Spain

    The film is so interesting and it shows me many values. There are many interesting characters and I like all parts of the film.

    Pablo Hinojosa, Spain

    I really recommend this excellent film. Moreover, the scenes and the great characters, I like so much the teaching of this film. It shows us the bad situation of many people of the world too and lets put ourselves in their place. I think that the boy is a very intelligent and a brave person and is an example to follow.

    Claudia Ortega Cubillas - Spain

    I think that it is a fantastic film that teaches us many of the values ​​of life. It's so impressive when William makes the windmill to get water. I saw this film in Spanish. I would recommend this penthouse movie to anyone who likes dramatic films.

    Carla Ascanio, Spain

    I think that it is a very interesting and nice film. I love the characters and I like the message that transmits the film, because the film learns that if you propose something with effort and hope, you can get it despite the interventions you have.
    I think this film should be seen by more children and be able to learn and enjoy it.

    Ana García, Spain

    I think that it is an interesting film. William is very courageous. He is very intelligent, he built a windmill. The director Chiwetel Ejiofor has done a good job. I recommend a lot of this film because I love the moral of this movie.

    Emilio Cózar (Spain)

    I think this film is very good. This film teaches you to value that you have. I really recommend it.