The film Binta and the Great Idea

  • Let's watch the film Binta and the great idea! 

    Binta and the Great Idea is a 2004 Spanish short film by writer-director Javier Fesser. It was made by PELÍCULAS PENDELTON in collaboration with UNICEF.  32:46 min. It received many awards. 

  • What's your opinion of the short film? Refer to the plot, the characters and to the idea. Did it surprise you? Why?

    Carmen Ibáñez Spain

    i think this movie is really good apart from showing you diversity and that we are all equal, the idea that the father reasons is very good, it also shows you a bit how others live and things that are not very common here, such as that the daughter knows how. writes and the father does not. that not everyone can afford to go to school ...

    Miriam Fernández, Spain

    I think this film it's important because it shows how difficult is to live there, and the importance that all children deserve tolerance, peace and fraternity. It shows how all the children support each other there and their traditions, it is a truly spectacular film.

    Marcos Rodríguez, Spain

    My opinion is that the film is very interesing and and show us how we can help with a little idea. Yes, because I don't expected that hes idea was so brilliant.

    Álvaro Pino, Spain

    In my opinion the film shows you the reality of the community in África and the kidness and empathy. The plot surprise me because the idea It's not normal but It's very smart

    Elías Ibáñez Díaz / Spain

    I loved it, it's a very empathetic movie, I like it because makes us realize how lucky we are.

    I was not surprised because I already knew more or less what life was like in those places.

    Marco López, Spain

    I think it is an amusing short, it is interesting and with a great message.
    I think that the movie has a good plot and the characters did a fantastic work. I'm surprise with the idea but i think is a good idea, because It teaches you about equality and tries to build a better future for everyone

    Pablo Hinojosa, Spain

    I think that the film is great, it show us the most important values that all children must to have.
    The film show us with a fantastic history, with excelent actors, which are many children, the soundtrack is perfect and the joy of the people.
    The idea is surprising but I think that it can work.

    Emilio Cózar (Spain)

    Is very interesting because te film tries to transmit the situation of many countries in the world. The humility of this community and how everyone helps each other. It has surprised me how the situation of the girl is combined with the theater that the boys do. I like the soundtrack and the end of the film and. I really liked the solution that the man gave. In short, to be so short I liked it and transmitted it a lot.

    Guillermo Altolaguirre Luna 3°B ( Spain)

    In my opinion it was a wonderful film with a nice message. I think that the letter of man it was a very good idea. Also, I really like refer to the plot because it was very original.

    Carla Ascanio, Spain

    I liked it a lot and how you can see their life and how they enjoy it. I really liked the character of binta, because she is very happy despite her way of living. The idea of ​​the father has seemed very interesting and a good idea because I think it would be good for the future since he would make the world progress.

    Paco Montero, Spain

    I think is a good shor, it have a interesting message. I like the culture of other countries. And the idea is so interesting, it can stop a bit the discrimination in Europa.

    Alejandra Mingorance, Spain.

    I am really surprised by this movie, because thanks to it I have realized the resources and how lucky that we have.
    Now I feel lucky to go to school. In my opinión this movie is wonderful because it teaches us the African community and helps us empathize.

    Valentina Ballesté - Spain

    I think is great to talk about this theme becouse there there are people who are forbidden of the right to education and I think it is very unfair that this continues happening. The short gives the idea that everyone has the right to have a happy education

    Lucía (Spain)

    I think it’s a good film because it shows how they educated children, showing that we are all equals however what you have, how you are…
    And it shows a man that have a really good idea to adopt people from Europe to know how they live.

    Ana García, Spain

    I think that it is a interesting short film. I was surprised that Binta's father wants adopt a european child to show how theirs cultures are and how they live. I really recommend this short.