1st Teacher training week: European Identity and Immigration in Spain

  • The first TTW was in Spain. The first theme was European Identity and Immigration. Every material used this week can be found under the schedule.

    The scheduel:

    Monday May 15th

    17.00 (Paul, Jasper, Anabel) Welcome and first session

                    Getting to know each other

                    Presentation of the goals of the IMPACT project

                    Video presentations of all schools

    20.00 Welcoming dinner


    Tuesday May 16th

    9.00   Keynote 1: European Diversity, Paul Stuit

    10.00 Coffee break

    10.15 Developing international policy in school (Jasper)

                    Using internationalisation scale (Translated and sent to every steering group member (SGM))

                    PDCA model, long & short term goals and actions

    11.45 Twinspace presentation (Luciana)

                    Using Twinspace during the IMPACT project

    13.00 Lunch

    14.00 Mini-projects, guided by SGM (Jasper, Paul)

                    Start with setting up the mini-projects between classes

                    Finding partners of different countries

                    Note: In theme of TTW (European Diversity & Immigration)

    16.00 Summary of the day (Paul, Anabel, Jasper)

                    Short presentation of the start of the mini-project

                    Questions, answers, feedback of the group

    16.30 Exploring cultural heritage: Barcelona (Anabel)

    20.00 Dinner


    Wednesday May 17th

    9.00   Primary school visit Sabadell (Anabel)

    11.30 Literature session (Tugba)

                    Read and discuss provided articles in small groups

                    Write a short summary of the most important points out of the literature & the discussion

                    Upload on Twinspace

    13.00 Lunch

    14.00 Educative and psycho-social experiences with children, victims of war

                    Khaled Khateb, trainer for psychological support in Jafra Foundation (Syria) and volunteer

                    in Idomeni Cultural Center (Idomeni Refugee Camp, Greece).

                    Andrea Calderón, social educator and volunteer in Idomeni Cultural Center.

    15.30 Mini-projects                                                                      15.30 Steering group meeting

                    Continue developing your project

    17.30 Summary of the day (Paul, Anabel, Jasper)

                    Short presentation of the start of the mini-project

                    Questions, answers, feedback of the group

    18.00 Individual/free evening program

    Thursday May 18th

    9.00   Key-note 2: Immigration, Maria Villanueva

    10.00 Coffee break

    10.15 Social media (Antonio, Luke)

    Presenting Facebook page of IMPACT and social media

    10.45 Improving education (Jasper)

                    Set up plans for improving education

                    With help of weak and strong points

                    Based on film presentations (good practices) of Monday

                    Inspired by the people (good ideas) you have met

    12.15 Finishing mini-projects                                                    12.15 Steering group meeting

    13.00 Lunch

    14.00 Finishing mini-projects

    20.00 dinner: Sabadell


    Friday May 19th

    11.00 Presentations (Jasper)

    1. Mini projects (per mixed group)
    2. Next step internationalisation policy (per school)
    3. Plan for improving education (per school)

    13.00 Evaluation (Anabel, Paul)

                    Making arrangements



    14.30 Farewel lunch





    On thursday Maria Villanueva especially stopped by the school to give a guest lecture about immigration.This presentation was given to put the teacher on to thinking about immigration. The main question of this presentation was: 'When is someone really an immigrant?' Maria told the teachers about the different times in which people fled their country and became an immigrant. If you want to look back to the presentation and use it in your own mini-project. You can download it from the logo above.


    Tugba gave a lecture about the literature on Wednesday. To support the theme of the project there should be some literature. Tugba told a lot of details about the literature she used. She used an award winning article about intergration of immigrant children. 




    The literature that was used in a lecture by Tugba. She let the teachers use this literature with an interactive way. The workform that was used is the gallery walk. The teachers had to team up and read their own good practice. When they read it they had to discuss how they could use these good practices in their own schools and envoirments. Then the teacher go to the next poster, read that good practice and add their contributions about how they would use this good practice. 
    In this way the posters got four different opinions how they should use these practises in the different schools. After the teachers have seen every good practice they return to their own poster and make an inventory of all the comments and will present these to the rest of the group.