ART and Digital tools- The proposal


     This can be a place where you can learn how to design video games, animation, record your own music, creating your own photographs, playing and exploring with apps, and much more you can imagine. this page can be an inspiration;


    We will try to be creative around a theme: the bridges.

    Bridges  can bounds, they join the invisible a nd visible worlds. They are also part of our cities. An architectural beauty and some of them with historical anecdotes that can be relevant to include in our educational projects too. And the language? English nursery songs like "London Bridge" or stories such as "The three billy goats gruff" can be included if we are exploring the world or language learning. Knowing that learning world language at an early age enhances linguistic ability overall, the central goal of Bridges is to ignite interest in learning about different languages and cultures and inspire children to pursue both with excitement and enthusiasm all their lives.

    Poetry and art can give us the possibility to have a diferent view on bridges.


    Lets try together!