Eco ~ Club Portugal

  • Despite not having so much time, the PT Eco-Club was quite active this year. The main activities they were involved in were related to the 5 mobilities of the project - things to do before, during and after each mobility.

    • They coloured in, plastified and cut sardines to make key-rings / pendents before each mobility, to offer to their partners. Some students wrote letters to send to their peers via the colleagues going in the following mobility:  

    • They prepared themselves to talk about their experiences after each mobility - to colleagues from their classes and others. Have a look at this example:

    • They worked a lot in the preparation of the Portuguese Mobility! They did it mostly in their free time - they rehearsed the Project's anthem, playing songs and dances. They decorated the auditorium and the school entrance. They helped their parents prepare the coffee-break and farewell dinner. They were present at all times and deserve a medal!! :) Their enthusiasm was so big that they "dragged" lots of students not involved in the Eco-Club, to project's activities, especially just before and during the Portuguese Mobility.  

    They showed ecological sensitivity - they looked after the tree we planted last year, made bird houses, kept an eye on the Multinational Seeds Flowerpot we planted during the PT Mobility, participated in the ABAE (Associação da Bandeira Azul Europeia) - "The Sea Starts Here" 

    They were reporters during their mobilities (the videos made by them are not on YouTube so they cannot be shared here, but they were shared on the various mobility padlets). They were brilliant in all the mobilities and participated with immense happiness. They prepared presentations on Flipgrid after each mobility (they can be seen in the Mixtape page). They involved their parents and were in constant contact with the coodinator. They had whatsapp and Instagram groups with their foreign peers and made friends for life, but there are no pictures or videos to share! ;)